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lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


Today I invite you to read in "The friendly Face of the Guests of Heidy" the interview to a Radio Host that we identify with this sentence: “cultivate love"... He is Eduardo Bocaletti, who accompanies us every afternoon from Monday to Friday from 16 to 19 hours in FabuEstereo. Today we'll talk with this friend of many, and who in turn makes us to evoke moments of our yesterday. He is from Antigua, he was for the first time in front of a microphone in 1984 and he is an admirer of Los Galos. Let’s receive Eduardo Bocaletti with a loud applause, in this space where you can say what you want and at the other media you cannot.

Hello Eduardo, today we will know many things about your life that you will share with visitors of the blog. You are from a wonderful place the Antigua Guatemala; tell us how your student’s years were in that city?

I studied at the Colegio Mercantil Antigüeño; it was a big house one block from central park, which allowed us to keep abreast of everything happening in the city. They were the 80s at that time everything passed in an atmosphere of peace and security, I was really lucky to live at that time that was between romantic and mystical.

What do you like more of that city? Its history... I love the old part of the city, it excites me, writing about La Antigua excites me... I love it.

I heard you Dad worked at National RadioTGW, in which Department? My father worked at TGW from 1962 to 1986 (until retired) its function in that institution was administrative.

You ever accompanied your dad at TGW studios? I always liked to be attached to don Eduardo (+) when he took me to the TGW he stayed in his office and I wandered into the station... first I went to the offices waving and then went to the cabin, but where I liked more to stay was in the recording studio watching as the ideas took shape.

Here between us... how many years you have been doing Radio? I started in radio 29 years ago by being romantic... haha Yes for being romantic. I liked to write poems and took them to a local radio station were they read them until one day a Radio Host invited me to come and taught me how to operate the console... then without realizing the radio started being a pleasant adventure. The first years in this business overlap with my studies and my first job.

Do you remember the date in which you took a microphone for the first time? Haha the first time I took a microphone was in May 4, 1984 in the now gone Radio Monumental in Antigua, I remember that the song that I played when I announced the time is one of Juan Gabriel called: until I met you.

TGW 1986
What Radio Hosts you admired most and did you share with some of them? At that time you had wonderful voices, I remember: Enrique Mendoza Hidalgo, Adolfo Méndez Zepeda, Rafael Contreras Vélez and others.

Tell us what you did in your youth? I combined school, friends, and my main distraction... Radio - I received a radio of many bands as a gift from my dad, with that radio I got absent from the world listening to my own world... I liked to listen to any international radio station that I could find, now that's a thousand times easier with the internet and smart phone applications, but it is no longer the same adventure like before.

What TV programs did you watched? The programs of the evenings of channel 3 were my favorite, first because the voice of Don Carlos de Triana I has always liked and secondly because I liked the series. (El Zorro, Lone Ranger, the Show of J.A. Guzman and police series)

What of these 3 programs you liked "The 3 Stooges", "Batman" or "Banana Split", and why? Hmmm none of the three

If I said "Los Iracundos", "Los Galos" or "Los Ángeles Negros" by which you tilt and why?  Los Galos because although the other two are good, very good, Los Galos had the best musical arrangements.

There is an antigüeño who has achieved phenomenal success at all levels, I am referring to Ricardo Arjona, what do you think of your paisano? Proud of his accomplishments, he has shown the world that believing in yourself is the best you can do.

Do you remember that we had the opportunity to share on several occasions "Cuestion de Minutos", which memories brings you that TV news? First, Cuestión de Minutos was the TVnews that open the transmission of channel 3 at 12.15 pm and about sharing, to be honest, It astonish me more than what you imagine knowing the huge audience that a night program can have, I liked the experience of promotion and diffusion of the Guatemalan art.

Currently you are the voice of FabuEstereo in the afternoon, what do you like more of the communication with listeners? To work with affection for the listeners, doing it with responsibility and taste for what you do, generates a feedback and a two-way communication, is a pleasant experience to receive messages and calls from a public that anxious waits for the program. The truth is to those who do me the favor to listen, I give them my thanks and sincere affection.

What does Eduardo offer to his listeners every afternoon? The opportunity to travel to other decades, I have always said that the songs become people and touching the memory fibers is nice.
Do you like to interact with listeners? That's what builds the Radio Host, interact and become friends and confidants, you have no idea the stories they share with me (share joys, memories, sorrows, disease, loneliness, achievements etc.)

What do think of young people that start on the Radio? In a great majority they are not trained, you hear them only giving the time and saluting to Juan or Pedrito but they don’t have general culture which is basic in this work, which is partly due to the cheap labor seeking by some media owners. Showing a pair of beautiful legs or a wide neckline makes you announcer for example. Only in a few cases there are young promises.

What do think about the social networks? They are the present and complement to the radio, to renew and extend in radio and other means of communication is a matter of life or death.

I leave the space so you can invite readers to hear you?

Uff that I don’t like very much (self-promotion) I have the privilege to work on the most important radio network in the region. I refer to Emisoras Unidas de Guatemala, I work at the number one news and sports 89.7 all the weekends and at FabuEstereo Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 19:00 hours - outside this company I work to canal 27 which is the channel of my church and radio Exclusiva 1270 which belongs also to the Church where I attend and at my beloved Antigua the station is old FM www.antiguafm.net

Can you share a comment with who read this interview?
I really want to ask them to support you in this adventure that you started and which has managed to capture the interest of many people, in addition, I congratulate you on the commitment, love and dedication that you put to this task that in addition to not being paid, you do it with such passion that the results are in sight. You are a pioneer in this type of interviews in our country and I wish you much success and to continue in this way supporting the national artist.

Thanks to my good friend Eduardo Bocaletti to accept the interview for "The Heidy Guests". We look forward to having you for sooooo many years telling us to "cultivate the love" and "Let's go by the last wagon"...

Thank you friend, all my love for you and I congratulate you for this platform that contributes to inform readers that are interested about our artists and characters that makes a great Guatemala. It is a wonderful idea that you continue in what you like and your blog has quality interviews. I invite my friends artists to join this restless journalist with experience, charisma and professionalism.

 You can read the interviews on these links:

Interview by Heidy Sandoval Ruiz
Translation René Coradohttp://www.microsofttranslator.com/static/201992/img/tooltip_logo.gifhttp://www.microsofttranslator.com/static/201992/img/tooltip_close.gif